A Bit About Us
Western Student Government is the official voice of Western students on campus and acts as the working liaison between students and Western's administration. We strive to stay connected to our peers to accurately represent their wishes to administration, faculty, and the community. Student Government consists of the Executive Team and the General Assembly body.
As a student, you can help make important decisions about campus life by participating in student government.
What Student Government Does
One of the most important functions that Western Student Government provides is advocacy on behalf of students. Student government advocates on student issues within the college and with state legislators.
Student Government is also responsible for creating an annual budget and allocating student activity fees. These fees go to many different departments around campus that serve students such as the Student Health Center, the Wellness Center, intramural, athletics, clubs, the Cavalier Cupboard, sustainability, campus events and student government.
Plan Events
We also try to keep things fun on campus and allow students the opportunity to meet others and make memories. To do this, Student Government, through the campus events committee, plans, hosts, and funds many events throughout the school year.
Per Wisconsin state law, Western Student Government has the right to participate in discussions that affect students like policy and finances. To accomplish this, student government representatives sit on many administrative committees and represent students as a whole.
For all things Student Government Related
This is for contacting Western Student Government in regards to:
campus events
student initiatives
committee meetings
club information
other student government-related topics
All other messages should be sent through appropriate channels